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September 08, 2010
Not So Fast, Slub - I Think Ezra Klein's on Our Side!
Yesterday Slublog made a few excellent points regarding Ezra Klein's attempt to pin the majority of the recession's job losses on former President Bush. One of Slub's arguments was that the stats Klein used unfairly attributed all job losses through July 2009 to Bush, even though Bush was a lame duck President as of November 2008.
I'd like to take a slightly different tack in pointing out Klein's folly - how his attempt to slam Bush ends up undermining everything he believes. So contra Slublog, let's accept that bogus ground rule: Bush owns the economy through July 2009. Now take a look at one of the libs' favorite charts, a Nancy Pelosi special (click to embiggen):

You've probably seen it before - it's gone viral in the sinistrosphere.
But now let's modify the chart per Klein's groundrules:

And there you have it: the formidable team of Ezra Klein and Robert Shapiro have proven that Obama's influence on the economy came well after Bush had set it on the road to recovery! According to them, Bush reduced job losses by 70% before Obama's policies took effect!!
I love it when the Left and the Right can come together on these sorts of issues.