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August 29, 2010
Culture of Corruption: Dem Congresswoman Steers Scholarships to Family
Another ethics problem for the Congressional Black Caucus to cry racism over:
Longtime Dallas congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarships to four relatives and a top aide's two children since 2005, using foundation funds set aside for black lawmakers' causes.
The recipients were ineligible under anti-nepotism rules of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which provided the money. And all of the awards violated a foundation requirement that scholarship winners live or study in a caucus member's district.
In a statement, Johnson says she knew the scholarships were going to family [strike one], but "unknowingly" violated the ethics rules of the foundation for which she used to sit on the oversight board [strike two!]. She also defended herself by explaining that she did not "personally benefit" from the scholarships [STRIKE THREE!]
Talk about the lamest excuses ever. In total, she awarded 15 scholarships since 2005 to her grandsons and great-nephews and to children of an aide.
Definitely click the link up there for much, much more information. Dallas Morning News outdid itself with this investigation.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
04:01 PM
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