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August 27, 2010
NRA Attempts Jedi Mind Trick: "This is Not the Pro-Gun Senator You Are Looking For"
via Instapundit:
Like many other single-issue advocacy organizations, the NRA avoids "putting all their eggs in one basket" by sometimes endorsing the Democrat with a slightly better record on Second Amendment issues despite the fact that the Democratic Party as a whole is somewhere to the Left of Norway and Sweden on firearms issues. Harry Reid has long enjoyed the endorsement of the NRA, but this year? Not so much.
Old & Busted: Harry Reid as an advocate for your Second Amendment rights.
The New Hotness: That Tea Party Chick who sometimes says dumb stuff, but can probably be counted on to give you the benefit of the doubt on personal freedom issues.
I know that Harry Reid's whiter than a bowl of rice in a blizzard, but somehow I just can't shake the thought that there's racism involved here somehow.
posted by Russ from Winterset at
07:51 PM
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