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August 25, 2010
Oh Dear Lord: Murkowski Insider Says Camp Exploring Secret Loophole To Run As Independent
Update: Not So Secret: She Wants To Get Nomination of Secession-Minded Alaska Independence Party
Yes, it is secret; the Murkowski insider won't say what they have in mind.
With a loss to Joe Miller looking likelier by the hour, Senator Lisa Murkowski is looking into a third party run a source inside her campaign tells The Daily Beast. Shushannah Walshe reports from Alaska.
The ongoing battle for who won the Republican primary in the Alaska Senate race will come down to the absentee ballots, but in an exclusive interview with The Daily Beast, a source within the Murkowski campaign says they know of one possible legal option to pursue a third party run. If Murkowski is not victorious when the absentee ballots are counted and decides to wage an independent party bid, they might consider using this option, which the source wouldn't describe, but did confirm they were seriously looking at.
Are you kidding me? Have you people no useful employment skills other than spending other people's money? Shit, a lobbyist job in DC consists chiefly of thinking of new ways to spend other people's money while actually spending other people's money as you run up big tabs on your company account.
Is there no stake sharp enough to get the job done with these god-damnable bloodsuckers?
As you might know, from Allah's twitter stream (where I also got this beauty), yesterday was the deadline for independent-bid filings; and yet... they have some kind of sketchy loophole to get around that?
Murkowski has a nicely-comped future in the para-politics (lobbying) at the moment. If she even breathes another god-damned word about this, it's over.
And you can try to make a salary as the rest of us must -- not trading on your connections but on your actual useful wealth-creating skills. How's that nightmare grab ya, Lisa?
Wishcasting: I hope that this is just the "Denial" or "Bargaining" step in the five stages of loss and that soon Acceptance will dawn upon the Murkowski camp.
Because I have the same thing to say to Establishment types like Murkowski as I have to say to insurgents like Clint Didier: If you stand for election in the primary and lose, you -- get this -- lose.
You had a chance in a fair contest and you lost. That's it. That's how the rules work and that's how we keep score.
We are not so desperate for your singular talents that Washington DC cannot possibly exist without you. Didier? We will endure without your voice. Murkowski? Don Yong will keep the federal dollars flowing. Charlie Crist? If you want to be on TV so god-damned bad they could always use a tangerine-colored Roger Sterling sort of father figure type on Jersey Shore.
Get over yourselves. No one owes you a cushy job and no one owes you a living.
Is This The Way? Dunkirk writes
If you read the article...
Gotta confess, I didn't. What I read, I quoted. Then posted.
... the ploy is kinda clear. She's going to go get the Alaska Independence Parties nomination so she can be on the ballot. I seem to recall a bunch of MFM people making a big f'ing deal out of Todd Palin being associated with that group at one time or another, but if it gets them a squish I'm sure they'll be all about it.
Ah. So she's not filing for an independent bid, but attempting to get the nomination of parties which haven't yet selected a candidate...?
AIP's Website: Senate candidate "TBD-- Become A Candidate Today! You still have time to become a local, municipal, borough or board candidate in the 2010 elections. Contact J.R. Myers at 907-262-7560 for more information."
Thanks to DrewM.
AIP's Mission: From their website -- they want to stop being American.
Until we as Alaskans attain our Ultimate Goal, the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives.
The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.