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August 24, 2010
ABCNews: We're Currently Enjoying a Recession and Not Enjoying It Very Much
Left to Right: The Lightworker; Sheriff Joe
Quoted at Hot Air.
"Recovery Summer" turns out to be half right -- Barack Obama's crack economic team did in fact predict that summer would follow the spring (with 95% confidence).
GOP Targets Obama's 'Recovery Summer' Amid Economic Gloom
Republicans Poised to Hammer Democrats on Jobs Promises Ahead of November
You make it sound so negative. We're not going to be talking down his super-amazing legislative accomplishments, managing to get big, destructive bills through a hostile Congress in which he has great majorities of Democrats; we're going to be talking up his two years of abject, catastrophic failure.
The White House dubbed it "Recovery Summer" and President Obama declared the economy had begun "growing at a good clip." Vice President Joe Biden predicted weeks earlier that creation of 250,000 to 500,000 new jobs a month could soon be on the horizon.
But with summer quickly coming to an end, those jobs gains and a robust economic recovery have not yet materialized, leaving Democrats on the verge of a fall election campaign in which Republicans are poised to make them eat their words.
"Sadly, this so-called 'Recovery Summer' could end up with more Americans finding themselves out of work then when it began," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain. "Expect Republican candidates across the country to ask one simple question of Democrat incumbents: 'Where are the jobs?'"
"I think we're going to get a fair amount of credit by November," said Vice President Biden. "I think we're going to do fine." Biden has predicted the Democrats will keep both the House and Senate.
You will get a great amount of credit, Sheriff. More than you can handle.
But touting summer 2010 as "the most active Recovery Act season yet" and, implicitly, as a period of job growth, belies a reality many Americans say they are experiencing.
Only 27 percent of Americans see the economy as improving, according to the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. And a new low -- 43 percent -- approve of Obama's handling of the economy.
"'Recovery Summer' is their 'mission accomplished' without the banner," said Larry Sabato....
Picture -- a real unaltered presidential double-facepalm -- found by Slublog. Once he sent me that I had to post this article.
By the way, the headline is a near-exact quote from Bush the Elder, who clumsily expressed himself that way during the recession that doomed him.