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August 16, 2010
Media Matters Even Stupider and Less Informed Than Usual
Eh, Eric Boehlert is required to whine about "conservative bias" in a press that's clearly liberal. This in turn requires him to say stupid shit -- even more stupid shit than he says in his free time.
His latest whine is that the media is claiming Democrats are alarmed by Obama's decision to fully support the Hamas-endorsed Victory Mosque. See, he claims that an ABCNews piece contains no direct quotes from Democrats about this.
More annoying though, is Klein's repeated proclamation as fact that Democrats are upset with Obama about the mosque issue (they're "grumbling"; it was "an unwelcome distraction"), even though Klein doesn't bother to quote one Democrat, either on or off the record, in his entire piece expressing that sentiment.
Not one.
Democrats can't grouse off the record? Really? About their party's nominal leader?
But as stupid as that all is, if he'd been following this story at all, instead of dodging it as thoughtcrime, then he would have found that Democrats have in fact complained of Obama's decision, by name, and on the record.
And Democrats — at least those who were willing to comment — could barely contain their frustration over Obama’s remarks, saying he had potentially placed every one of their candidates in the middle of the debate by giving GOP candidates a chance to ask them point-blank: Do you agree with Obama on the mosque?
That could be particularly damaging to moderate Democrats in conservative-leaning districts, already 2010’s most vulnerable contenders.
“I would prefer the president be a little more of a politician and a little less of a college professor,” former Rep. Martin Frost (D-Texas), who once ran the House Democratic campaign arm, wrote in POLITICO’s Arena. “While a defensible position, it will not play well in the parts of the country where Democrats need the most help.”
But for Eric Boehlert, reporting this stuff as serving Democrats want it reported -- on background -- constitutes "conservative bias" in a press just determined to make bad stuff up about Obama.
George Soros pays him to write idiotic crap like this. At least it's George Soros paying him and not our tax dollars and our Justice Department.