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July 27, 2010
Chavez threatens to halt US oil shipments
Apparently comrade Hugo has a burr up his ass and has severed diplomatic relations with Colombia over Colombia having the nerve to state the obvious to the OAS. That being of course that VE is, and has been for years, harboring/supporting Colombian rebels and their leadership.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened on Sunday to cut off oil supplies to the United States if his country was attacked by U.S.-backed Colombia in a dispute over allegations that Venezuela provides a haven for Colombian guerrillas...
The particulars of Colombia's accusations have been documented beyond question by multiple sources and reported on by numerous news agencies for many years now, so Chavez is essentially attempting to defend the indefensible by Bondo'ing it over with blustery bullshit and patent lies.
The only question at this point would be if the OAS will be intimidated enough by VE military power, and the clear lack of spine and obvious leftist sympathies in the current American junta, to the point that it has no choice but to downplay the plainly true Colombian accusations.
The risk in that seemingly lower risk path is the VE will feel emboldened to ratchet up its aggression against its island neighbors - the ABC (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao) islands being obvious next targets. Dominica has already fallen victim and lost a small uninhabited peripheral island to Chavez bullying a few years ago.