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July 21, 2010
CNN Reporter Throws Softballs Hardballs At Ground Zero Victory Mosque Developer
Some good questions.
FEYERICK (on-camera): Why not have a prayer space for Buddhists or Jews or Christians or- why must it be Muslim? It can't just be a business decision.
EL-GAMEL: There are Jewish community centers all over the country. There are Y-
FEYERICK: But the Jews didn't take down two towers.
EL-GAMEL: There are YMCA's all over the country-
FEYERICK: But the Christians didn't take down two towers.
EL-GAMEL: And this is- and this is a need that exists.
FEYERICK: For those who are so- still sensitive and so raw to this, their question- their overriding question is, why here? Why so close? It's two blocks, but it was close enough that landing gear ended up on the roof. Why?
EL-GAMEL: There is a need. It's supply and demand. The community wants it. The politicians are supporting it.
FEYERICK (on-camera): Coming out of that hearing, somebody said, 'The Japanese would never have dared to build on Pearl Harbor.' What makes this different?
EL-GAMEL: If you were at that hearing the way that I was at that hearing, you come out understanding that there is a great need for dialogue now.
One trick the media does is to ask the "hard questions," but without challenge or follow-up -- basically inviting the subject, then, to make his best rebuttal to his critics. And the media pats itself on the back for these softballs disguised as "hard questions."
I don't know if that's what this reporter is doing here, though. The interview is cut up into snippets so we don't know how she pushed him on these things.