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July 17, 2010
Bobby Jindal: Drilling Moratorium Arbitrary, Capricious, and Kinda Stupid
Good stuff.
Add oversight, more inspections, sure, that makes sense and is absolutely do-able. But shutting down production adds "insult to injury".
To ensure that such a disaster does not happen again, should the federal government increase oversight, or require additional and better equipment or on-site federal inspectors, or even temporarily pause drilling at specific rigs for additional reviews? Of course. Could it? Of course. But by simply stopping all deepwater drilling, federal officials appear more interested in ideology and scoring political points -- as they have done with the misguided cap-and-trade legislation -- at the expense of Americans who derive their livelihood from the energy industry.
He also points out two losses in court ought to get the Feds to rethink matters, and then he points out it won't.
I can't help but wonder how much embarrassment plays a role in Obama's thick-headedness here. But then that would get me to speculating on the various other factors involved (ineptitude and malice for example), and that all makes my brain hurt thinkin about it.
posted by Dave In Texas at
12:17 PM
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