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July 14, 2010
Overnight Open Thread
Good evening and happy Hump Day all
An Animated History of Nuclear Testing
Here's an interesting video that shows every nuclear test from 1945 up to 1998 at 1 second per month. It starts off a little slow but don't worry - by the late 50's it's like a challenging level of nuclear Simon.
So a total of 2053 nuclear bombs were tested over those years with 1032 of those being US bombs (USA! USA! USA!). It's interesting that most of Britain's nuclear tests were also done in the US.
If you watch carefully, you'll also notice a US nuke test in Louisiana and Alaska. And the only continents that haven't had a nuclear explosion on them are Antarctica and (western) Europe.
Update: As some of the commenters have pointed out it was MS that had the test - not LA. And south America has yet to be nuked.
VDH: A Ten-Step Reset Regimen for the President
All of this is good advice and a lot of what you'd expect Bill Clinton to do if he suddenly replaced Obama. But of course Obama won't do any of this. Why? Well because he's ideologically driven and because he's never faced failure before. Which is what happens when you've never had to actually run anything in your life before. I predict he'll keep doubling down until he's abandoned by the non-suicidal Democrats. But unlike Carter he'll always be able to count on the black vote.
Scuba Doggie
So a Russian professional diver, Sergei Gorbunov, has built a diving suit complete with a helmet for his dachshund, Bonoface. He says the dog isn't stressed and enjoys it. Still it seems like a lot of effort and risk for not much payoff for the doggeh.
Is Anderson Cooper Gay?
I have no idea and never gave the rumors much credit. But based on this picture of him and his roommate riding bikes, my Gay-o-meter is reading a solid 3.5 Dorothies.
Five True War Stories That Put Every Action Movie to Shame
Who knew that the Dirty Dozen was based on an actual Filthy Thirteen within the 101st or that Sergeant Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz of Inglorious Basterds was loosely based on an actual bear soldier who carried supplies for the Polish army in WWII.
Failed Times Square Bomber Had a Kinda Pathetic ‘Martyrdom’ Tape
Here's a martyrdom video that Faisal Shahzad made while in Pakistan before he returned to the US and failed to blow up his SUV in Times Square. He stumbles through his lines and stammers at times. And you can hear him huffing puffing while he walks with some jihadis somewhere in Pakistan. And then his amateurish Times Square 'bomb' fizzled.
Inappropriate Barbie
Kinda NSFW depending on your company's view on doll on doll action.
Why Are Students Studying Less These Days?
College students study 40% less these days than they did in 1961 yet the average GPA has jumped from 2.5 to 2.9. Why? Well one theory is that the introduction of professor evaluations in the 70's has forced faculty to dilute the rigor of their classes if they want to get tenure or be kept as an adjunct instructor.
WTF Japan Part XVII
Tonight's post brought to you by Heston:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
09:55 PM
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