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July 01, 2010
Call the NRA: Do Not Endorse Harry Reid
Can you believe this? That you actually have to call the NRA to ask them to endorse the pro-2nd Amendment Sharron Angle over Harry Reid?
Well, you just might.
Harry Reid may have bought them off by giving them a carve-out (exception) in the DISCLOSE Act, and now it's their turn to pony up their end of the deal.
Or maybe it's for an earmark.
Either way, it's corrupt and contrary to the stated goals of the organization.
But it's an odious deal, and if you're a member, you should express your strong disagreement.
Why would they do this? Why would they go out of their way to protect a Senator who has demonstrated a repeated hostility to the Second Amendment in his votes and his leadership?
Well, I thought perhaps the NRA carveout in the DISCLOSE Act might be the answer. But, there is more. It turns out, Reid secured a $61 million earmark for a gun range in Clark County, Nevada.
NRA members were recently treated to a three-page spread in the American Rifleman about a visit to Nevada by Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox to “thank” Reid for the earmark. The article even includes a cliché picture of Reid cutting a ribbon with a gigantic pair of scissors. (Every good porker has his own giant pair of gold earmark scissors.)...
At 3:25, you can hear LaPierre touting Reid’s record on guns saying, “I also want to thank you, Senator, for your support every day for the Second Amendment and for the rights of American gun owners. “
The American Rifleman article also commends Reid’s Second Amendment record noting, “His dedication to this project is just one of the ways Sen. Reid has demonstrated his support for gun owners and the Second Amendment.”
Well, that’s all very nice. What politician representing a pro-gun red state wouldn’t want Wayne LaPierre to come out for a personal photo op at their earmark ribbon cutting.
But, here is the problem. Reid has not supported the Second Amendment “every day.” Or ever.
Reid has a lifetime rating of “F” from Gun Owners of America (who Ron Paul once called “the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington”). GOA is actively supporting the 100% pro-gun Republican nominee, Sharron Angle, in her campaign to unseat Harry Reid.
So he bought off the NRA with a taxpayer-funded earmark?
If this is true -- if this happens -- the NRA should be made to pay. Same as the GOP should be made to pay for corrupt deals against the interests of its members.
Denied: NRA reps are saying this isn't true.