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June 30, 2010
Shock: Sotomayor Lied In Her Confirmation To Appease Republicans
She indicated she agreed with the Heller decision, but, shock of shocks, immediately joined a dissent that denied the central finding of the Heller majority.
Gee, I wonder if Elena Kagan might do the same thing.
What document?
In Fairness... She didn't lie so much as deliberately mislead.
Contrast that with her Senate testimony: "I understand the individual right fully that the Supreme Court recognized in Heller." And, "I understand how important the right to bear arms is to many, many Americans."
I don't know how hard the GOP pressed her on that; either way, she'd refuse to answer.
But once burned, twice shy, or so it should be.
Kagan's statements about "understanding" opinions should be taken as deliberately misleading.