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June 14, 2010
Sore Loser To Protest Alvin Greene's Victory
It's nice to know that Democrats aren't only whiny bitches when it comes to losing to Republicans.
Vic Rawl seems to be putting more effort into this than he did into his campaign.
“The strange circumstances surrounding Tuesday’s vote require a thorough investigation. For better or worse, this protest process is the only platform currently available for that investigation,” he continued.
The former lawmaker outlined slightly different reasons for the protest than were originally offered up by his campaign.
On Friday, the campaign enlisted a group of national academic experts who claimed there were troubling differences between the results of the absentee and election-day ballots.
But while Rawl said the analysis of the returns were “ongoing,” he focused Monday on stories of problems with voting machines.
“These range from voters who repeatedly pressed the screen for me only to have the other candidate’s name appear, to poll workers who had to change program cards multiple times, to at least one voter in the Republican primary who had the Democratic U.S. Senate race appear on her ballot,” he said.
At least he didn't trot out 'the Republicans did it' meme. I mean, what was that plan supposed to have been?
1-Get nominee on ballot
To believe the 'plant theory' you have to presume Jim DeMint and the SC GOP (joke that it is this year) were worried about Rawl who was trailing by 19 points in a Republican year.
Earlier on FNC one of the reporters said Greene was going to court to explain to the judge why he had 10K to spend on running for the Senate but needed a public defender. That should be an interesting answer.
At least one Democrat is floating the idea, that Greene is a few bottles short of a 12 pack.
State Rep. Todd Rutherford told Fox News that he went to Greene's house to discuss with him how Greene succeeded last week in becoming the candidate to challenge Republican Sen. Jim DeMint in the November election, but he found it difficult to decipher an answer.
"About two questions into a conversation with him, it would become apparent that he is not probably fit to answer the questions befitting a Senate candidate," said Rutherford, a Democrat. "If he was put into this, then it is a joke that is funny to all the rest of us, but he doesn't get it -- because I don't know that his mental status is such that he can get it."
Now, I'd be lying if I said that thought hadn't crossed my mind as well but I think that about most Democrats. As for answering questions in a manner befitting high office, I think Bob "The Grabber" Etheridge has shown that's a flexible standard for Democrats.
Just a reminder...Greene didn't just barely win, he won by 18% (scroll down). To steal that kind of number you need professionals like SEIU or ACORN involved. If he had that kind of support, Greene would be getting more love from Dems than he is.

posted by DrewM. at
04:25 PM
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