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I, Ace of Spades, Also Care Deeply About Obamatrina »
June 08, 2010
As I Was Saying: Norah O'Donnell Insists White House Really Engaged On Obamatrina, But a "Failure to Communicate" Responsible For Public Dissatisfaction; Insists White House Staffers Are Having Nightmares About Gulf Spill, The Poor Dears
Oh, God. We're taking the Emoting Offensive to a whole new level now, aren't we?
It is to laugh -- Norah O'Donnell is not just neutrally reporting these "facts," but insisting on them, really trying to convince you of them (and their relevance).
To her, it's not important that real oil is hurting real animals and damaging a real fishing economy and doing real harm to real people's lives and Obama is not doing a damn real thing about it.
The only thing that matters is the White House's emotional connection to these facts, and if they're guilty of anything, it's of not convincing the public of how emotionally engaged they are.
Pushing the New Narrative like the trooper she is.
So, how bad are White House staffers' nightmares?
Bad enough, apparently, that only Beer Pong can chase the evil dreams away.

John Favreau's recurring cold-sweats nightmare:
White House Spokesman Tommy Vietor slams back his serve,
right into his cup of golden-smooth Miller Genuine Draft,
forcing him to chug, and, just as he's downing the sweet barley nector,
the beer turns to ash in his screaming mouth
And some of you scoffed at the relevance of this picture!
I knew it was going to come in handy.
Accept The Pudding, Norah O'Donnell: You will accept the pudding. You must accept the pudding.
Admiral Benson Makes a Statement: Finally.