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June 07, 2010
Andre Bauer: Sacred Honor Demands I Prove That Privately-Administered Bought-and-Paid-For Lie Detector Tests Are Rubbish
The customer, as they say, is always right.
And always non-deceptive, too, it turns out.
Bauer took a lie detector himself (neither Larry "Lenny" Marchant nor Will "Squiggy" Folks have done so), to prove, he says, that he had "nothing" to do with Marchant's sudden outbreak of viral blabbedy-mouth.
He says this proves he was telling the truth on that point.
I say that I now want the lie detector experts to themselves take lie detector tests, to prove the integrity of the tests they say they performed.
In a GOP gubernatorial debate last week in Charleston, Haley accused Bauer of being responsible for charges of marital infidelity against her. Larry Marchant, one of the two men who have claimed past relationships with Haley, was a consultant to the Bauer campaign until the day of the debate…
Bauer on Monday released the results of a lie detector test he says he took Sunday night in Columbia, administered by an independent, FBI-certified polygrapher. Bauer says another independent, certified polygrapher reviewed the charts Monday to verify the result.
“The voters now know that I had absolutely nothing to do with the unfortunate revelations made about Ms. Haley in the last two weeks,” said Bauer.
There are things I have some degree of uncertainty about here -- like if the allegations might, possibly, be true.
One thing I am unwilling to entertain any doubt about is Bauer's central role in this.
I don't care if Kuato himself comes along and does his Open your mind... mutant mind meld with Bauer and deems him honest.
If that were to happen, I would just start looking to see if Bauer had made any wire transfers to Mars.