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Late Afternoon Open Thread »
June 07, 2010
PPP: Nikki Haley Still Leads Heading Into SC GOP Gubernatorial Primary
Sacred Honor Brigade hit hardest.
Haley has a 20 point lead, getting 43% of the vote. Gresham Barrett looks like the favorite for the second runoff spot. He's at 23%, followed by Henry McMaster at 16%, and Andre Bauer at 12%.
Two weeks ago Haley held a 21 point lead in the race. Since then she's gained 4 points, Barrett's standing has improved by 7, McMaster's has dropped by a couple points, and Bauer's gone down a single point.
Only 13% of voters believe the allegations about Haley's marital infidelity. 54% flat out do not believe them and 33% are unsure. Haley will, however, be in trouble with voters if they ever are proven. In that case 42% think she should drop out of the race.
Thankfully, the primary is tomorrow. Unfortunately, it looks like they'll be a runoff on June 22, so still plenty of time for sour grapes and dirty tricks.

posted by DrewM. at
01:35 PM
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