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June 02, 2010
BREAKING: Former Florida GOP Chairman Arrested On Corruption Charges
Slu touched on this below but the authorities are holding a presser now.
They are charging that Jim Greer siphoned money from the party for his personal use through a sham corporation that took commissions from party expenditures and funneled them to him.
Greer was handpicked for the job of chairman by....Charlie Crist.
I'm betting Charlie is so shameless he will say this type of corruption is why he left the party.
6 felony counts and the state GOP is cooperating.
Local Orlando newspaper blog has more information.
According to FNC, Crist was asked if he felt any responsibility for this and he said, no. Ah. feel the leadership.
Marco Rubio will have to deal with this as well but assuming his ties to Greer aren't as strong as Crist's are it should be a big help. Crist as a career first hack was always an unlikely poster boy for 'independence' and 'change' but having picked someone now charged with felony corruption to run the state party is going to dog him all summer.

posted by DrewM. at
11:50 AM
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