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May 27, 2010
Obama To Appear on Coast Guard Ship With "Plug the Damn Hole! Mission Accomplished" Sign
I made up that last part, but my oh my, the victory laps this guy is going to take after letting oil gout into the Gulf for 36 days.
When he makes his Memorial Day photo-op here, I expect the letter "I" to be used an awful lot in speaking of the disaster arrested; on the other hand, I expect the letters "BP" to be used a lot when speaking of the month before.
Now that the flood of oil was stopped, they can safely admit how much oil they had been allowing into the Gulf:
Allen also said that later today, an interagency team will release a revised estimate of how much oil was flowing from the well into the Gulf. The Coast Guard has estimated the flow at 5,000 barrels a day, but independent estimates suggest it is much higher -- perhaps tens of thousands of barrels a day.
You might think that this could help the cause of energy production a little. A Worst Case Scenario has been handled (we think), after all. But you'd be wrong: Obama's cancelling licenses for offshore drilling.