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May 25, 2010
Great Moments In Sanctuary State History #34,892
Everybody is calling this poetic justice, but I'm not quite that bloodthirsty. I hope the Rep. is okay. The column doesn't say anything about injuries.
[Rep.] Michael Moran of Brighton is a staunch supporter of the “sanctuary” approach to illegal immigration we have here in Massachusetts. He voted against the Perry amendment that would require applicants for state benefits to prove they’re here legally. Moran voted for subsidized college tuition for illegals, too.
It’s safe to say that no Massachusetts politician has done more to make illegal immigrants feel welcome. Illegal immigrants like 27-year-old Isaias Naranjo, who (ahem) “met” Moran on the streets of Brighton last week.
Naranjo rear-ended the good Rep. at 60 MPH while inebriated.
...when police tried to explain the seriousness of his situation, he just laughed.
“Nothing is going to happen to me, man,” Naranjo told the cops. That’s because he was “going back to my home country, Mexico.”
We don't have to solve the whole illegal immigration problem all at once, guys. I think most people are a little more flexible than that.
But how about we remove the incentives for criminals, freeloaders, and assholes like this guy?
Could we start there?

posted by Laura. at
05:19 PM
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