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May 22, 2010
One of These Things Is Not Like The Other
Swiping the Sesame Street theme, take a look at the four pics in the header of this (head's up) NYT story.
If you don't feel like clickin, I'll describe them,
FDR signing the G.I. Bill
LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (gee I wonder why they picked this?)
Ronald Reagan Showing Why We Must Lower Taxes
Barack Obama signing the Health Care Reform Act
These are the examples offered under the lede "A Progressive Agenda to Remake Washington".
Of course Reagan isn't praised in this steaming pile of journalistic analysis, he's blamed for cutting taxes for the rich, cutting social programs and growing the (then anemic) military. But that is just a sidebar in the story, the real point being offered is this:
If there is a theme to all this, it has been to try to lift economic growth while also reducing income inequality. Growth in the decade that just ended was the slowest in the post-World War II era, while inequality has been rising for most of the last 35 years.
Allow me to suggest that part (a) is nonsense, part (b) is precisely the point, only these ninnies do not understand the ramifications of killing the goose.
There's another subtle swipe intended to depress the conservative wave that is building toward November, a shot at Scott Brown's vote on the financial regulation POS.
Still, the turnabout since Jan. 20 — the first anniversary of Mr. Obama’s inauguration and the day after Scott Brown, a Republican, won a Senate seat in liberal Massachusetts — has been remarkable. Then, commentators pronounced the Obama presidency nearly dead. Today, he looks more like a liberal answer to Ronald Reagan.
It's a pretty nice little jujitsu move, deflecting the loss of Kennedy's seat to a Republican with some RINO red meat, I'll give them that. And for those of us who want so much to put a stop to Obama's agenda, kinda frustrating. Scott Brown is not Ronald Reagan, but neither is he Ted Kennedy. The sisters and Scott will piss us off a few times, but hey, Arlen won't anymore.
I see that as a net gain, not a net loss. I'm willing to take "the needle's amoving the other way" and accept that "there's aways to go" (we Texans love to mutilate language).
I'm prepared to take the long look. The landscape has changed. Granted, largely because a completely Democrat controlled Congress and White House have shoved their agenda down the throats of America. But a majority of Americans surely are rejecting their crap.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:19 AM
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