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May 16, 2010
Basra 2005: SAS Unit Ordered by Ministry of Defense Not To Attempt To Rescue Two of Their Own
Outraged, they considered mass resignation.
Instead they disobeyed orders, carried out the mission, and rescued their men. (warning: graphic photo of a soldier in a burning armored vehicle).
The SAS launched a daring mission to rescue two of its own men held hostage in Iraq against the orders of the Ministry of Defence, the Daily Mail can reveal.
The elite unit was pushed to the brink of mutiny after it was banned from saving the SAS soldiers captured by militants because to do so would embarrass the Government.
The astonishing edict drove SAS officers close to mass resignation, according to a hardhitting report by the Tory MP Adam Holloway, a former Guards officer.
The explanation for the refusal was flat-out embarrassment that their training program in southern Iraq was a mess (the captives were held by insurgents that had infiltrated the Iraqi police), and at odds with the rosy picture painted to the British government.
The LTC in charge of the operation didn't think that was a good enough reason, and pressed forward anyway.
Good for him, and his soldiers.
via TheRickWilson

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:35 AM
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