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May 12, 2010
Our Post-Partisan, Uniting President: "Limbaugh Can Play With Himself"
Can you feel Red and Blue America coming together in amity?
When President Obama was asked if he would play a round of golf with his talk-radio nemesis Rush Limbaugh, the response, relayed by a top Democrat, was: "Limbaugh can play with himself."
This is according to Zev Chafets in his new book, "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One," due May 25 from Sentinel.
The caustic comeback is another example of the verbal venom between the White House and the conservative radio star. In an interview with CBS News last month, Obama called the views spelled out by Limbaugh and Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck "troublesome."
The question was asked of Limbaugh, too, who said of course he'd play golf with the President -- any president. But, Limbaugh predicted, it could never happen, as Obama's leftist base would have a "sh-t fit."
Limbaugh's a kook, eh?
Oh, and since Obama makes cutesy sexual double-entendres in his disses, I think it's more likely Obama knew exactly what he was saying when he referred to "teabaggers."
In two completely unrelated stories: A man with the commonplace name "Richard Smith" decided to change his name to something more memorable. He settled on Stormhammer Deathclaw Firebrand.
This trumps the previous record-holder for silliest bad-ass legal name-change, established in 2008 by Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined.
(BTW, that last one is an old story -- two years old -- but it seems to be getting "re-broken" lately for some reason.)