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Top Headline Comments 5-12-10 »
May 12, 2010
Kos: money doesn't matter anymore
Its safe to click this link, its to a piece he wrote for The Hill.
...The proliferation of online communities certainly appears to be leveling the playing field at the primary level, allowing candidates in better sync with their party’s base to compete against better-known, better-funded, establishment-backed candidates. In such an environment, television becomes less important, while online outreach and field work pick up the slack. Traditional campaign consultants may not like it, but primary success increasingly hinges on building movements, rather than spending millions on sleazy negative television ads.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then and I think Kos has found one here. Most of what he's saying I agree with, although he gives a tad more credit to organizing and outreach than I might.
I think the electorate has been burned very very badly and is paying a lot more attention than it has at any point in perhaps the past 100 years. A modest uptick in electorate awareness can offset millions of dollars of traditional campaign spending - IOW, if you're saying shit they don't like and they're paying attention, it doesn't matter how well or often you "explain" your unpopular positions. In fact, remaining tone deaf and continuing to "explain" unpopular positions like some Zombie robot in the face of overwhelming opposition to them just kinda pisses people off.