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May 11, 2010
The Framing Of The Debate (tmi3rd)
We're starting to see a coalescing of the narrative from the Left in terms of what they perceive our intentions to be. The narrative seems to be not so much a downsizing of government, but an elimination of government altogether- in short, to paint the right as anarchists.
Obviously, that isn't the case- quite the contrary, the clear story from the commenters here and at other blogs shows a deep devotion to the Constitution and the rule of law.
So what is pushing all this?
I'd noticed it recently from lefty postings on Facebook- the attempts to defend socialism- particularly in regards to the health care debate- by asking whether conservatives like having roads, emergency services, and so forth. That argument is, of course, comparing apples to oranges, and utterly ridiculous.
Instapundit has some links up to various blogs, talking about that very same thing. The attempt is, again, to define conservatives as anarchists. The corollary, by extension, is even more interesting- it notes the Left's absolute and unquestioning trust in their government, along with the predictable hatred and distrust of any other point of view.
It does bring up an interesting point, and not necessarily a dishonest question from the Left- what is the conservative stance on government's role?
The answer, as I believe it, is defined very specifically in the Constitution, and is something that it appears many Americans understand- to the chagrin of many in Congress, all of whom are having to reassert their allegiance to something- either the rule of law (in conservative districts) or to what makes them feel better (in statist districts).
It's going to be very important over the next few months- leading up to the midterms- and in the next two and a half years- leading up to the next presidential election- to define the conservative belief of the role of government as part of the sales pitch to get statists out of power.
What do you think? It obviously doesn't matter what I specifically think, but more about what we can define.
Have at it!

posted by Open Blogger at
03:03 AM
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