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May 10, 2010
NBC News: Obama To Nominate Kagan For Supreme Court--- Bumped
Announcement is being made now.
Obama went on about Kagan's alleged commitment to diversity of thought. Then why exactly did she ban the military from recruiting at Harvard Law? This great champion of justice knowingly and willfully violated the Solomon Amendment.
So much for diversity of thought and commitment to law.
Obama also said the law is more than words on paper. A truly scary thought from a President.
Dave Weigel, the Washington Post's blogger focusing on that rare species of conservatives Tweets...
GOP approach to Kagan = otherize her as a troop-hating, gay-loving elitist who wrote a thesis about socialism, right?
That, along with her lack of experience and then they will vote yes (barring some sort of bombshell).
The 'lack of experience' line of attack will likely be met by Democrats with, "and the last justice without judicial experience was William Rehnquist".
Original Post:
The promised leak has been delivered.
Not that big of a surprise but looks like it's about to made official.
President Barack Obama will nominate U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan to serve as an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, NBC News’ Pete Williams reported late Sunday night.
Kagan, 50, served as the Dean of Harvard Law School from 2003 to 2009. Obama nominated her to serve in her current post as solicitor general early in 2009, and she won Senate confirmation by a vote of 61-31. She is the first woman to serve as solicitor general of the United States.
Initial thoughts...
The GOP should make a fight out of it just because the days of 90+ votes are gone thanks to the Democrats.
Baring some sort of unexpected revelation, there won't be a filibuster. She'll get beat up a bit over not allowing the military to recruit at Harvard Law during her tenure as Dean but it won't amount to much.
Kagan will play of the Sotomayor game of pretending to be a moderate who only interprets the Constitution when she'll be a run of the mill liberal vote on the Court.
The left will be disappointed that they didn't get an unabashed, in your face liberal. They want their own version of Scalia. Kagan ain't it.
Kagan is the safe pick. I really thought Obama was going to go for it here. What did he have to lose?
There's no guarantee he'll get another nomination, though you'd have to think Ginsburg might think about retiring next year, especially if Obama is still in bad shape. If he gets it next year, it will be with a smaller Senate majority and with some scared Senate Democrats. Will Obama want a fight then to rally the base going into '12?

posted by DrewM. at
10:15 AM
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