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May 06, 2010
Palin Backs....Carly Fiorina In CA Republican Senate Primary UPDATE: Palin Says Carly Is No RINO
I’d like to tell you about a Commonsense Conservative running for office in California this year. She grew up in a modest home with a school teacher dad, worked her way through several colleges, and then entered an arena where few women had tread. Through a combination of hard work, perseverance, and common sense, she proved the naysayers wrong to reach the top of her field, where she led with distinction – facing hard truths, making tough decisions, and showing real leadership through a rocky transition period. Where others had failed, her company had weathered the storm and settled on a stronger new foundation.
Her name is Carly Fiorina, and I’m proud to endorse her for U.S. Senate.
Carly is the Commonsense Conservative that California needs and our country could sure use in these trying times. Most importantly, she’s running for the right reasons. She has an understanding that is sorely lacking in D.C. She’s not a career politician. She’s a businesswoman who has run a major corporation. She knows how to really incentivize job creation. Her fiscal conservatism is rooted in real life experience. She knows that when government grows, the private sector shrinks under the burden of debt and deficits. We can trust Carly to do the right thing for America’s economy and to make the principled decisions she has throughout her professional career.
You know who this helps? Not Chuck DeVore.
I have to say, I'm shocked.
First, I thought DeVore was the base favorite out there. Did I miss something?
Second, Palin seemed to be staying away from places where she could be, um, radioactive. I'm pretty sure California is as unfriendly an area for her as you are going to find. I'm guess Firoina figures she'll win the primary first and figure out how to work her link to Palin out with CA independents and persuadable Democrats later.
Via Tapper.
UPDATE: From the same Facebook entry.
I’d like to add a few things about my Carly endorsement because some reaction right out of the chute calls for more information:
Carly has been endorsed by the National Right to Life, the California Pro-Life Council, and the Susan B. Anthony List. She is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-military, and pro-strict border security and against amnesty. She is against Obamacare and will vote to repeal it and prevent the government takeover of private companies and industries. Carly is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Like me, she is a member of the NRA, has a 100% NRA rating, and she and her husband are gun owners. She is pro-energy development and believes as I do in an all-of-the-above approach to energy independence. She is against cap and tax. And most importantly, Carly is the only conservative in the race who can beat Barbara Boxer. That’s no RINO. That’s a winner.
Obviously there was quite a bit of push back from Palin supporters.
posted by DrewM. at
02:46 PM
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