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May 04, 2010
Luggage Incident Deemed a "Non-Event" At Bush International
Just noting this, in case you've read about it: A bag caused some commotion when it emitted a popping noise when it hit the ground. And then smoke.
Smoke was seen coming from the luggage shortly after it was unloaded off a jet around 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, according to the Houston Airport System. The jet had just landed at the airport from Amsterdam.
Ground crews said they noticed something strange about a blue suitcase and were working to remove it when they heard a "pop" and smoke came pouring from it, according to an airport spokeswoman.
It appears that it wasn't an explosive. A spokeswoman says it's "non-event," which signals to me it was non-sinister.
Enoxo, who tipped me, says they think it was an aerosol can that ruptured.
No one was harmed. I expect this will turn out to be nothing. Just the typical jitters and alarms after a bona-fide terrorist attempt.