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May 04, 2010
Today's Moment Of Chris Christie Awesomeness...Judicial Edition
I love this guy. Like a viking.
Once again showing that he means to shake up Trenton, Gov. Christopher J. Christie declined on Monday to reappoint a sitting justice to the New Jersey Supreme Court, instead appointing someone who he said would show the restraint that was missing from the court.
The justice, John E. Wallace Jr., became the first one to seek reappointment and be refused by a New Jersey governor since the current State Constitution was adopted 63 years ago.
Justice Wallace’s departure also means that for the first time in 16 years, the court will not have a black justice. If confirmed by the State Senate, Mr. Christie’s appointment of Anne M. Patterson, a Morris County lawyer, will give the court its first female majority.
Speaking to reporters in Trenton, Mr. Christie had only kind words for Justice Wallace, but he described the historically liberal court as “out of control” over the last three decades, usurping the roles of the governor and the Legislature in setting social and tax policies.
Christie just isn't playing by the rules the Democrats have set up to rig the game for so long. He's the man on the line and he's going to use all the tools in his kit to change things. "But this is the way we've always done it" simply isn't going to fly anymore. And not reappointing the only black judge? Clearly he's not afraid of the diversity bullies anymore than he is of the unions.
During Christie's term, 5 of the 7 members of the court will come up for appointment.
Things are going to change in NJ.

posted by DrewM. at
11:43 AM
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