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April 30, 2010
ObergrupenFhurer Reich Pollster: most think "deficit commission" is a crock
The public is showing shocking levels of lucidity these days.
...most Americans view the commission as cover for Congress to raise taxes...
Only 30% think Congress is at least somewhat likely to actually make the spending cuts the deficit commission proposes...
78% think it’s at least somewhat likely that Congress will raise taxes if the commission proposes any tax hikes...
67% say there should be more spending cuts than tax increases. Just 15% think the panel should propose more tax hikes instead...
Even if the president and Congress raise taxes to reduce the federal deficit, 58% of voters think they are more likely to spend the money on new government programs...
What we're seeing here is a serious decline in government credibility among the public. That last 58% number has to include a lot of 52%ers who have given up on Hope and Change, or at least believe this administration isn't the vehicle to deliver it.
[UPDATE] Lefty blog opposition mounts against national ID card. Eschaton and Balloon Juice have weighed in. Incredulousness that their beloved democrats would try such a thing seems to be the mood so far.