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April 26, 2010
Sen. Shelby: No Deal on Permanent Bailout Bill
Shelby has a better poker face than McConnell:
Shelby, the ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, said he wasn't optimistic that senators would reach an agreement to move forward with the legislation. He did express confidence that the Senate's 41 GOP members would stick together to block a motion to proceed to debate on the bill.
"I don't believe we'll have a deal today. I believe we'll have the votes this afternoon," Shelby said during an appearance on ABC when asked about this evening's vote on Wall Street reform.
Majority Leader Harry Reid scheduled the vote for this afternoon after 5pm Eastern.
One of the things keeping the GOP senators together may be the possibility of introducing their own financial reform bill. Drafted over the last few months, it will be difficult for Democratic screeches of "Party of No" to stick when the GOP moves on their own bill. Particularly after Obama rejected the Maine Sisters' attempt at bipartisanship.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:37 PM
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