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April 14, 2010
ObergrupenFhurerMcPollster: Pat Toomey Reaches 50% Against Specter And Sestak In PA Senate Race
Toomey beating Specter may turn out to be the sweetest thing that happens on election night this year.
Republican hopeful Pat Toomey for the first time registers 50% support in his race against incumbent Democrat Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania’s contest for the U.S. Senate.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows Specter earning 40% of the vote, a level he’s held steady at since the first of the year. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
Toomey this month also makes his strongest showing to date against Specter’s Democratic Primary challenger, Congressman Joe Sestak. Toomey picks up 47% support to Sestak’s 36%. Given this match-up, five percent (5%) like another candidate, and 12% are undecided.
Fifty-three percent (53%) of Pennsylvania voters say the recently passed health care plan is bad for the country and just 36% think its impact will be good. In June of last year, before the health care debate began in earnest, Specter had an eleven-point advantage over Toomey. But support for the senator plummeted to 36% in August after his town hall meetings with Pennsylvania voters angry over the specifics of the health care plan. Since then, support for Specter has never risen above 42%.
Specter meanwhile is running around saying he's got a deal with Harry Reid to become the next chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Only a few hurdles remain, there's no reason to think Pat Leahy is going anywhere, there are several more senior Democrats who aren't thrilled about a turncoat jumping ahead of them, the Democrats may not keep control of the Senate and oh yeah, Arlen maybe eating porridge at the home for defeated dirtbag Senators. Other than that...it's a heck of plan Arlen.
Related: Hey, who is up for Republicans winning up to 100 House seats?

posted by DrewM. at
10:37 AM
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