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April 09, 2010
Overnight Open Thread - Early TGIF Edition
Yeah it's early but what the hell. It's been a long week and I figure the East coasters are already buzzed.
The Great American Pizza, Guns, And Strip Club Map
Based on user-added bookmarks in Google Maps. So which of these dominates your area?
And much as I love pizza and guns, I'm thinking that the US needs some more strip clubs to balance things out. Plus based on my experiences Houston is dominated by strip clubs and boot stores. At least that's all I've ever seen when passing through. And why does Hawaii hate pizza so much? Too much pineapple and not enough spam?
Obama Marks Himself 'Black' on the Census
Effectively denying any heritage from his mother. Since he's now going off his own perception over reality, I don't feel bad about declaring myself to be of the 'American' race.
13 Year Old Yemeni Child Bride F*cked To Death
Ilham Mahdi al Assi, 13, died last Friday in a hospital in Yemen after suffering a rupture in her sex organs and hemorrhaging. It was just five days after her honeymoon. Her marriage was part of a 'swap marriage' where her brother also married her husband's sister.
Cheaters, Cheatees, and the Other Women
Remember - always punch cheat up - never down.
So Who is the Progressive Lady?
Her name is Stephanie Courtney and she's a well known member of the improv group, the Groundlings, and has appeared in several sitcoms including the short-lived Geico "Caveman" series. I know I'm not alone in thinking Flo is kinda hawt and would probably make an awesome girlfriend.
Independence Day 2 & 3 Coming Next Year
And Will Smith is supposed to be in both. I'm guessing that in this one ET will be running some anti-virus software and will still get his ass kicked. And is it too much to ask for the White House to get blown up again.
The 10 Most Expensive Whiskeys in the World
With the cheapest coming in at $4700. Well actually that's just the membership fee to be allowed to buy it.
Color Photographs From Nazi Germany
It's stupid but somehow color makes it all seem more real. And can you spot the photo that doesn't belong?
The Yahoo clique. Are you worthy?
Tonight's post brought to you by 8-track:
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posted by Maetenloch at
08:44 PM
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