« BREAKING: Man Claiming Diplomatic Immunity Attempts to Light Shoe on Fire on DC to Denver Flight
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April 07, 2010
Gabriel Malor on the Stage Right Show at 9PM PACIFIC
UPDATE: Well, that was fun. Thanks for listening. How neat is it that long-time moron eddiebear called in?
If you missed it tonight and want to hear the podcast tomorrow, it will be up at Larry's website.
ORIGINAL POST:Direct Link to Show is here.
I'll be on Larry O'Connor's Stage Right Show at 9pm PACIFIC discussing the evolution of the DIA shoebomber misunderstanding.
Incidentally, Marc Ambinder is claiming that ABC was first with the alert on the alleged shoe bombing. He caught a screen grab at 22:07 Eastern.
I had the story at 9:40pm (21:40) Eastern.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:46 PM
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