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April 07, 2010
Goodwin Liu "Forgets" To Include His Most Controversial Work on Senate Questionaire
Wow, does Professor Liu think his confirmation is such a foregone conclusion that he can just blow off the Senate Judiciary Committee? Or is he stupid enough to think that, even after his reparations coments, Republicans wouldn't be scouring his record for more unacceptable leftism?
Liu, in his letter to Leahy on Monday providing the additional material, offered a "sincere and personal apology" to the entire committee, but said nothing was left out intentionally.
"I made a good faith effort to track down all of my publications and speeches over the years," he wrote.
Uh huh.
The complaint came after Liu, a Berkeley law professor, gave the Senate Judiciary Committee a bundle of supplemental material that contained 117 things he left out after his February nomination.
Among the items disclosed were several speeches on affirmative action and his participation at an event co-sponsored by the Center for Social Justice at Berkeley and the the National Council of La Raza, a Latino advocacy group.
Wasn't it a La Raza event that tripped up Justice Sotomayor? If this is a fine organization, why does every leftist candidate for the judiciary try to hide their association with it? People who do the right things have no need to hide it.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:27 AM
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