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April 05, 2010
Ugh. California Voters Support ObamaCare
The latest poll of registered voters in California suggests that California voters aren't reacting the same way as most of the rest of the country:
On the health bill, 35% of those polled said that if their senator or U.S. representative had voted for the legislation, they would be "much more likely" to support them in November. Eleven percent said they would be "somewhat more likely" to vote that way.
On the other side, 20% said they would be "much less likely" and 9% said "somewhat less likely" to support that lawmaker. Nineteen percent said the health vote would have no effect on their support, and 5% said they did not know.
Californians view the healthcare package "much more favorably than what we are finding nationally," said Stan Greenberg of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. "I don't think we will see numbers like this in other states."
In addition to support from Democrats, the healthcare bill appeared to have backing among nonpartisan voters. By a margin of 48% to 23%, those who registered without stating a political party said they would be more likely to support a representative or senator who voted yes.
In follow-up interviews, many respondents who were optimistic about the healthcare package said they had yet to grasp its particulars but thought it better than the status quo.
"I'm still learning a lot of the details," said Stephanie Martinez, 33, a stay-at-home mother in East Los Angeles. "From the things I do know and understand, I think people who don't have insurance and can't afford it will be able to get something."
There's a reason I've been telling folks not to get too excited about sending Senator Boxer packing. The average California voter doesn't give a darn about disfunctional government and they're quite apt to be bought off by shiny things like ObamaCare or high-speed rail.
When whichever GOP candidate we select proposes to take their shiny new toys away from them, Boxer will swoop in with more promises of bread and circus. These people will believe it.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:45 AM
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