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March 29, 2010
Another Global Warming Lie Collapses: The Gulf Stream Is Not Slowing Down
Gore weeps! laughs all the way to the bank. Notice the suggestion that maybe, maybe there are natural cycles at work in the world around us:
The Gulf Stream does not appear to be slowing down, say US scientists who have used satellites to monitor tell-tale changes in the height of the sea.
Confirming work by other scientists using different methodologies, they found dramatic short-term variability but no longer-term trend.
A slow-down - dramatised in the movie The Day After Tomorrow - is projected by some models of climate change.
The stream is a key process in the climate of western Europe, bringing heat northwards from the tropics and keeping countries such as the UK 4-6C warmer than they would otherwise be.
The satellite record going back to 1993 did suggest a small increase in flow, although the researchers cannot be sure it is significant.
"The changes we're seeing in overturning strength are probably part of a natural cycle," said Josh Willis from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California.
"The slight increase in overturning since 1993 coincides with a decades-long natural pattern of Atlantic heating and cooling."
So let me get this straight. Simulations by some of the most well-known and important climate scientists tell us that global warming is slowing the Gulf Stream and could render the UK and northern Europe a frozen wasteland unless we return them, and ourselves, to pre-industrial sustainable societies. But some yahoos with a satellite actually went out and measured the thing?
Well, I know who I'm gonna believe.
Thanks to commenter, erm...Upscale Community Organizing Thought Criminal.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:05 PM
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