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March 29, 2010
It's Time for Steele to Go
UPDATED: RNC Says It Wasn't Steele
Slublog sends this along and notes that there's no reason Steele should still be RNC chairman at the end of the week.
In the sixth paragraph of the inaptly titled article "High flyer: RNC Chairman Steele suggested buying private jet with GOP funds", Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller writes:
Once on the ground, FEC filings suggest, Steele travels in style. A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.
RNC trips to other cities produced bills from a long list of chic and costly hotels such as the Venetian and the M Resort in Las Vegas, and the W (for a total of $19,443) in Washington. A midwinter trip to Hawaii cost the RNC $43,828, not including airfare.
Bondage-themed clubs on the RNC's dime? When you hear stories like this, I always wonder what the inevitably shamed and fired was thinking. Did Steele not know that the RNC has to disclose its expenses?
Steele has been an embarrassment almost from the start. Someone forgot to explain that when you're RNC chairman, your job is to put the spotlight on the candidates and their politics, not yourself. It's past time for him to go.
UPDATE: Will Tucker Carlson's still-got-the-new-car-smell Daily Caller soon be making some embarrassed apologies of its own?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:14 AM
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