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March 24, 2010
Ace of Spades Exclusive: Yesterday Representatives Lewis and Clyburn Followed Me Into a Pathmark and Started Calling Me a Wog
At least a colleague of mine reported that he thought he heard them saying that.
Why isn't this report, which I just made up, getting as much attention as the other claims that were also made up?
Did you catch that last part? As Jack Cashill at the American Thinker points out, there’s some sleight of hand going on here. Lewis himself isn’t quoted as saying he heard it. The “n-word” claim is attributed to an unnamed colleague. Who? Apparently it doesn’t matter who.
Somehow this is turned into the headline, “Tea party protesters use racial epithet against Georgia’s John Lewis.” Not “Georgia’s John Lewis claims” or “Colleague of Georgia’s John Lewis alleges.” No, they make a direct statement of fact that is, based on the story itself, tenuous at best. Some guy who was with Lewis claims he heard somebody yell something. So hey, it must have happened the way he said it did, right? Why even try to verify it? Everybody knows those Tea Party guys are racists.
Funny how all the videos of the event contain no evidence of such a slur.
But, you know-- who are you going to believe, an unnamed colleague of a hyperpartisan race-hustling Marxist or your own lying ears?
It's amazing, isn't it, that whenever Democrats find themselves behind in the polls, as was the case in Sarah Palin's three weeks of game-changing popularity, there's always some helpful conservative to suddenly yell out the N-word within earshot of a liberal (but not, alas, within the range of recording equipment).
Oh: I am stealing this joke from Andrew Breitbart, who had a series of funny Tweets in which he asked why Anthony Weiner was standing on Henry Waxman's shoulders shouting racial epithets into his house, etc.
It's a good joke.
And Oh: That Tea Party guy didn't spit in anyone's face. The charge has changed to state that the man "allowed saliva to hit my face" -- i.e., he was yelling and saliva sprayed out as it tends to do.
This has been trumped up, of course, into your typical racist bashing of White People.
UPDATE- Jack M.: Dear Media...I am totally willing to bear witness to Ace's claim that he thinks he was called a wog. After all, Ace has never lied to me about being called a wog in the past, and I was present at a CPAC after party in which Ace was, in fact, called a wog. So it probably brought back unpleasant memories for him of past civil rights violations.
Which means, I'm one more witness to Ace's claim than you have for the Tea Party "claim"...right? Call me! Especially if your name rhymes with Dora O'Nonnell.