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March 21, 2010
Health Care...What's Next?
Well, it's still America so the obvious answer is.... more laws and lawsuits!
Bills and resolutions have been introduced in at least 36 state legislatures seeking to limit or oppose various aspects of the reform plan through laws or state constitutional amendments, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
"There's going to be a big free-for-all lawsuit about this," said Michael Bird, legislative counsel for the NCSL.
...So far, only two states, Idaho and Virginia, have enacted laws, while an Arizona constitutional amendment is seeking voter approval on the November ballot. No anti-health care reform legislation has emerged in Democrat-dominated states like Illinois and New York, according to the NCSL.
Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter signed a bill on Wednesday allowing the state's attorney general to file a lawsuit opposing federal healthcare legislation requiring individuals to buy medical insurance.
Otter sees federal legislation as overreaching and bound to add to medical expenses of state governments, spokesman Jon Hanian said .
"He's concerned we can't afford it," Hanian said, adding that Otter, a Republican, is disappointed in how the Democrat-led U.S. Congress is handling the legislation.
Florida's AG (who is also running for Governor) and his counterpart from South Carolina have vowed to sue over the individual mandate.
Right now we are pretty sure the underlying Senate bill will pass tonight. After that the Senate may or may not take up the reconciliation "fixes" and even if they do, big chunks of it might not survive the process. Then on top of that there's the possibility that one of the linchpins of this disaster, the individual mandate will be thrown out in court.
As crappy as this system they are about to pass is, it could actually get worse as pieces are pulled out leaving gaps in funding and 'logic'. All this risk is being taken simply because Democrats are desperate to get something, anything, on the books. Once it's there the issue will be how to 'fix' it, not get rid of it.
It's breathtaking in its recklessness. In other words, about what you would expect from Democrats.

posted by DrewM. at
05:35 PM
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