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Should Opponents Of Health Care Bill Hope The Democrats Use The Slaughter Solution? ADDED: Two More Yes Votes »
March 18, 2010
Democrats Band Together To Approve of Slaughter House Rule, 222-203
28 Democrats broke from the party to vote against it, joining a united Republican caucus in voting against it. (Although three Republicans didn't vote for some reason.)
I am getting really worried, because if 222 Democrats voted for this unconstitutional, very-unpopular maneuver, doesn't that mean that all 222 will also vote for the bill itself? Why vote for this if you're not going to vote for that?
Technically Speaking: Drew notes that this wasn't a vote on the Slaughter House Rule itself, but on a GOP motion to compel the House to not employ the Slaughter House Rule.
The Slaughter Rule is not yet actually implemented. But the motion to halt it was rejected.
Technically, they could still reject the rule itself.