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March 16, 2010
Top Headline Comments 3-16-10
Forgot about the Top Headlines yesterday. My bad.
Also, updated whip count will be out this evening. Some interesting news to whet your appetite, though. The NY Times is reporting that the President is focusing some effort on Dina Titus (NV-3), Betty Sutton (OH-13), Bob Etheridge (NC-2), and Mike McIntyre (NC-7).
You will note that Titus, Sutton, and Etheridge are not named in my whip count. That's because everyone had them in the 191 Dems "definitely on board." I guess not. McIntyre is on my list as "No Means No" and I've seen nothing to suggest that has changed.
The President and Nancy seem to lose one Democrat each day. That is, at least one each day for the past week has announced that they are voting against the bill. If that trend continues, Democrats will be two votes shy if the vote is taken on Saturday. But if the bill isn't going to pass, expect it to fail by more than just one or two votes. Dems are coming to this only reluctantly. If it's going to not pass, it's going to not pass by ten or twenty votes in the final roll call.
Folks I'm hearing are "no" votes who haven't stated it yet: Rick Boucher, Allen Boyd, Lincoln Davis.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:14 AM
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