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March 08, 2010
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Funeral Protest Case
A lawsuit filed by the father of fallen Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder against the despicable and deranged Westboro Phelps kooks.
I'm not the legal guy so I'm not really qualified offer up any analysis. The case was filed by the Marine's father for intentional infliction of emotional distress for their asinine and offensive protest at his son's funeral in Westminster, MD., it resulted in a $5MM judgement against Westboro, but was overturned by the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals.
Here's my analysis: these Phelps assholes are batshit crazy obnoxious bags of douche, and I would not lay down my life (or lift a finger) to defend their right to speak publicly if all they were doing was ordering a bacon cheeseburger at Jack in the Box.
posted by Dave In Texas at
04:06 PM
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