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March 08, 2010
Nomentum II: Democrat Vows to Take Time Off From Campaigning for Governor to Return to DC to Vote Against Health Care
No, this isn't Representative Deal, who's resigning to pursue a governorship. This is a Democrat doing the same thing, but what makes it notable is his vow to return to DC specifically to vote against ObamaCare.
Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.), who opposed the House version of the healthcare reform bill last year, will make sure to take a break from his campaign for governor to travel to Washington to vote against the final version of the bill.
Lawmakers seeking higher office are prone to missing roll call votes as they hit the campaign trail but Davis's office told The Hill that he intends to make the trek north from Alabama to cast his vote against the legislation -- and his party's leadership.
"Congressman Davis will be present for the HC vote and he is a no," Davis's communications director, Addie Whisenant, wrote in an email.
Davis was the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the first Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee to call for Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) to step down as chairman of the powerful panel.
Davis is one of 23 House Democrats to vote against healthcare reform and climate change.
In announcing his no vote last year on healthcare, Davis said, "We risk a disaster if we get this wrong."
He's black?