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March 08, 2010
Another Stupak Dem Flips "No"
Via the Weekly Standard, Illinois Dem Dan Lipinski says it's not gonna happen:
Asked if the congressman is "open to voting for a health care bill that lacks the Stupak amendment," Lipinski's spokesman Nathaniel Zimmer replied in an email to THE WEEKLY STANDARD: "No. Congressman Lipinski will not vote for a health care bill that provides federal funding for abortion."
In addition to Stupak and Lipinski, Congressman Jim Oberstar of Minnesota has said that he will not vote for the health care bill if it lacks the Stupak amendment: "I will not vote for a health care bill that doesn't have the House abortion language in it," Oberstar told Congressional Quarterly on February 24.
By my count, if even two House Dems switch their yes votes to no, Pelosi can't get to 216 (217, if Massa actually rescinds his resignation). Stupak has already said he won't be the guy. And Ace noted at few others last week.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:56 PM
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