« Nomentum V: No Vote Touted by AP as Possible Flip to "Yes" Now Comes Down With Nomentum Fever |
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March 04, 2010
Nomentum VI: Yes Vote Now Says, "Gee, Guys, I Don't Know, All the Cool Kids Are Voting for Nomentum"
Not a yes to a firm no. But a yes to a firm "I don't know."
Oregon Democrat, voted yes last time -- reluctantly.
Schrader's office said Wednesday that the congressman has not yet made any commitments on whether he would vote for the Senate-passed version of health-care reform. "Kurt's commited to moving forward on health care," said spokesman James Atkin, but he wants to study the bill first before making a commitment.
Schrader, who represents Oregon's 5th district, expressed doubts about the version of health care that passed the House, but he ended up voting for the bill
[T]he National Republican Congressional Committee announced Wednesday that it will "unleash a huge wave of robocalls" on Thursday targeting dozens of House Democrats, including Schrader...
The calls contain the kind of hyperbolic rhetoric that is now a staple in D.C.:
"Even though a majority of the country wants them to scrap it, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama are planning to ram their dangerous, out-of-control health care spending bill through Congress anyway. What’s worse, congressman Kurt Schrader voted for this bill the last time it was up and might vote for it AGAIN. "
This isn't necessarily a No vote, alas. If you are making an unpopular decision, it's in your best interests to have this be an issue for as short a period as possible. This cat would do himself a favor, if he's going to vote for this monstrosity again, to say he's undecided until he actually casts his yes vote. Until he casts that vote, after all, he's not necessarily casting his lot with the Obamanation.
But -- once again -- I still note that all the momentum is nomentum. We have yet to hear publicly from anyone who's going no-to-yes.
Alas, as I said, it's in the "Yes" voters to lie about it as long as possible, to keep their votes hidden as long as possible. We can imagine that Madame Palomino has a certain number of hidden Yes votes we won't know about until she actually calls the vote.
But you'd imagine that such votes would at least have to prepare their voters by indicating a move from "no" to "maybe."
Thanks to Gabe.