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December 16, 2009
Iron Man 2 Trailer
Good stuff.
Yes, that's Mickey Rourke as "Whiplash" (never heard of him, but I never read Iron Man) and Scarlett Johanson (!!!) as, uh, Black Widow? Black Something Or Other. She's a hot Russian gunslinger known primarily as being a second-stringer in The Avengers. (As you might know, the plan is roll out Captain America and Thor movies, and then put Iron Man/Hulk/Captain America/Thor (and second-stringers like Black Widow) into a full-on Avengers movie.)
War Machine's in it too.
And... Second Clash of the Titans trailer.
Release the Kraken, dude. Don't bogart the Kraken.
I forget who said it, but some wit on the internet once said of a similar movie: "It's like all my Heavy Metal album covers just declared war on each other!"
Thanks to CDR M.