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December 10, 2009
First Reviews: Avatar Almost as Good as the Idea of Barack Obama
Via Andy Levy's Twitter, some raves for the movie about the blue muppet creatures.
The movie is, obviously, an agent-gone-native-and-adopting-their-culture-and-fighting-against-his-onetime-allies story. The Last SIMurai or Dances With Smurfs.
That's a good story and all, and can be interesting and everything.
But I do have a joking question. This is snarky crap. I don't really intend this as serious nitpickery.
But... have the people who sent this guy on this mission ever seen The Last Samurai or Dances With Wolves? Because in the trailer, his superior officers are shocked he's gone native and joined the Indians.
Well, here's the thing: On earth, as a human, he was crippled. You gave him a new, blue alien body in which he regained the power to walk. And not just walk, but virtually fly.
You trained him to think just like those aliens.
So now here he is on an alien planet, with a fully functioning body, albeit a blue one, and now he can only mate with other blue-bodied creatures.
Creatures you are trying to eradicate, so you can build some kind of transplanetary strip-mall or something.
Excuse me, guys? What did you think he was going to do? People have switched teams for far less.