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December 06, 2009
Palin at the Gridiron
If you're on Twitter, you probably saw something about this last night being tweeted and retweeted like crazy.
Sarah Palin was at the Gridiron Club winter dinner, where big-time Washington journalists rub elbows. Ordinarily, comments at the dinner are off the record, but this year they loosened the rules to allow Twittering. And jeebus, did they Twitter the ever-lovin' crap out of Palin's speech.
The appearance was a family affair. Todd Palin sat at the head table, and during her talk Palin called out to her parents who stood at the back of the ballroom at the Renaissance Hotel and waved to the crowd. Palin quipped that her mom and dad “crashed the party.”
On the political front, Palin said that “if the election had turned out differently, I could be the one overseeing the signing of bailout checks and Vice President Biden could be on the road selling his book “Going Rogaine.”
Much of Palin’s gentle political humor was aimed at the media.
“Sometimes you’ve got to trust your instincts, and when you don’t you end up in a place like this,” she said. Palin also tweaked journalists for buying books and turning immediately to the index to see if they are mentioned. Her book does not have an index but she made up index entries during her speech including: “A. Alaska, media not understanding it, page 1 to 432.”
One other comment about the media: “It is good to be here though, really, in front of this audience of leading journalists and intellectuals or, as I like to call it, a death panel,” she said.
Palin’s book notes the sometimes troubled relationship she had with McCain campaign staffers. Talking about her bus tour for her book, “Going Rogue,” she said, “the view is so much better inside the bus than under the bus.”
In a reference to the rocky relations she had with Steve Schmidt, McCain’s bald campaign manager, Palin said that if she needed a bald campaign manager, “all that I am left with is James Carville.”
More over at CSMonitor.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
02:44 PM
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