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NFL Week 13 Open Thread »
December 06, 2009
Metamorphosis Complete.
The headline was supposed to be Chaz Is A Liar, but I can't fault him for it anymore.
Because just as a beautiful butterfly emerging from the chrysalis can no longer conceive of its prior existence as a caterpillar, Chaz cannot remember his own life from just two years ago.
And it's not a lie if you really believe it.
At Weaselzippers.
Note the Lizard King's first sentence: "A few years ago, I used to doubt that there really were climate change denialists"
Ummmm, Chuck, you were one of them....
From March 4, 2007:
Follow the link and check out the screen captures.
Thanks to Mare at H2.

posted by Laura. at
09:41 AM
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