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November 20, 2009
Stupid Leftist Tricks: Left Pushing a Video Supposedly Showing an "Angry Crowd" Disapponted that Palin Won't Sign Their Books
As Just a Grunt (at JWF) explains, one of the women quoted (of course!) by AP seems to be an Obama fan. In the supposedly angry crowd, you hear only one woman droning on "Sign our books" with the exact cadence of "O-ba-ma," and one heckling male.
Based on two likely lefty disruptors, the left wants to call everyone else in the crowd "angry." In fact, they all look just like looky-loos, crowding in to photograph a celebrity.
But the media is putting out the word: Don't buy her book, or you'll be very angry at how she treats you.
I can't tell, by the way, but it sure sounds like Sarah Palin comes out to address the looky-loos here, and, conveniently enough, the "angry crowd" video ends just after that.
Just a Grunt is refusing to link the video, as lefties are trying to make it viral, and I'll respect that advice. But if you're curious -- as he says, it's on every single lefty site.
Corrected: Poster "Just a Grunt" wrote that post, not JWF.